Manufacturer: Commodore
Model: Amiga 600
CPU: 68000 @ 7.14 MHz
Memory: 2MB Chip RAM, No Fast memory
Harddisk: Unknown size, 2.5″ Harddisk
Other IO: Amiga internal FDD
Workbench 2.05
Boxed. Including original box
This Amiga 600 was the first one to try my retrobright on and it came out very nice. I got it at a the HCC Commodore club day and it was as yellow as can be. The LED-lights were not working and part of the keyboard didn’t work.
First thing was to do a retrobright on the system, so I cleaned the top half:
I had to clean a few more bits of the top half and removed all keys from the keyboard and retrobrighted that as well. While the system was open, I could make a photo from the inside which I removed as well to clean the bottom half: